Saturday, May 2, 2015

There seems to be some confusion as to when you should be a Christian. 

For some, being a Christian is pretty straightforward and goes something like this: 

Church on Sunday; 

*  dress decent 
*  best behavior 
*  look attentive 
*  sign up to bring a dish to the next church event
*  shake hands and courtesy smile before leaving  
*  and then top it off with a proper lunch afterwards

All completed by 2pm.  
Now, time to relax and prepare for the 
workday on Monday.  

There is nothing wrong with any of the above characteristics & actions, as long as they are genuine for Christ and not for the worlds acknowledgement.

"These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.  Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God."                  Matthew 15:8-9

Being a follower of Christ is not a one day excursion into Christiandom.  
And I bring this up because wrong thinking/actions can hamper outreach to those who are scared, lonely, hurting,...and need Christs' hope & truth. Not only is evangelism to others halted, but sadly you have missed out on a relationship with God. 

But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives.  And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior.   Philippians 3:20

We as Christians are to be Christs' ambassadors.  
As an ambassador we represent Jesus Christ not only on Sundays, but every day of the week, 52 weeks a year, every year, until the day we breathe our last breath.
Christianity is a way of life. It is not a title. There is not a separate "church going day" and then - the other days. 
What we say and do, speaks very loudly to those who do not know Christ. 

So this means;

*  If you put a biblical bumper sticker on your car, then please do not speed or cut people off on the highway.

*  If you put a voicemail on your phone that says,"have a blessed day, " or "God Bless,"  then please "live" for who you acknowledge you are representing.

*  If you put a cross or biblical phrase on your personal checks, then please do not be late in paying your bills.

Christians are not perfect, but each day our goal should be to become more like Christ.  There will be times that we mess up. When it happens, apologize to anyone who may have witnessed it and seek Gods forgiveness .  
Carry on in Gods grace & strength - always aware that someone may be watching you, to see if following Christ really is life changing.